Land-use change
More powerful technologies have intensified the use of agriculture, livestock farming, fishing, and forest management. Landscape fragmentation and overall land degradation have also increased.
Resource extraction
Did you know that the Earth’s population and the average per capita consumption rate quadrupled between 1970 and 2010? People now need more water and other natural resources than ever before.
Air pollution
Scientists warn that greenhouse gas emissions (mainly carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide) were the greatest driver being air pollution. This problem is directly linked to climate change.
Invasive alien species
Nearly a fifth of the Earth’s surface is at risk from plant and animal invasions. Stronger invasive species have easily displaced native ones. The species composition of entire ecosystems is changing to the detriment of biodiversity.
Climate change
Rising average global temperatures have resulted in the accelerated melting of glaciers, rising sea levels, and ocean acidification. In the Czech Republic, we’re experiencing more dangerous heat days, less snow, and an increase in extreme weather events, especially episodes of drought.
Water and soil pollution
Biodiversity is significantly affected by eutrophication, i.e. overfertilization. In habitats naturally poor in nutrients, the adding of extra nutrients (runoff from surrounding fields) will gradually devastate competitively weaker and rare species.
The IPBES Global Assessment Report on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services is available here.